Tuesday, September 13, 2005

BBC battles domestic violence

The BBC has become a founding member of the "Corporate Alliance Against Domestic Violence". The BBC should focus on making and broadcasting television programmes rather than creating schemes that other agencies and charities already focus on.

Why does the BBC feel it necessary to illustrate the scheme with a white male physically abusing his Afro-Caribbean partner? Are they stereotyping white males?


Aiden Truss said...

Ooh you're hard man to please...

Sounds like real corporate social responsibility to me - something which is in vogue with many organisations at the moment, but which few do more than pay lip-serve to. Corporations should have a wider remit than just their business raison d'etre.

As for the picture - it's just an illustration - any semiotic reading into the race issues involved is daft. But, then I suspect that you're making a point here about the way cerain parties might use such an image if the roles/colours were reversed...

Snafu said...

Astolath, :) Business raison d'etre, hmmm, I tend to disagree. Should business decide which charities to support rather than their shareholders? The BBC specialises in making and broadcasting programmes not charity work. Isn't it for political parties and charities to raise concerns about the level of domestic violence rather than rely on a public service broadcaster to cure life's ills!?!

I'm not making a point about whether the roles were reversed. No doubt some minion in the BBC image department received the brief and chose a white male as anything else would be too controversial!

Aiden Truss said...

Well, it's about seeing businesses as responsible corporate citizens isn't it...

Businesses have rights in law the same as citizens and are part of our communities. Check out any big corporate website nowadays and they'll have a statement or a section on corporate social responsibility. Mostly it just makes good PR, but occasionally companies cotton to the fact that they can do some good in the wider community and benefit from the good press that it entails. It's a win/win situation.

The BBC have a unique mandate to provide a public service, but in most respects they are now run like any other corporate business. With the added bonus that they can make TV programmes with our licence money and then sell the DVDs back to us afterward!

Shareholders invest money and trust the directors to run the business appropriately - not to run back to them for approval of every business decision. As for not specialising in charity work - never watched 'Children in Need'?

If the media don't raise issues like domestic violence, I can't see political parties doing it - especially not the bunch of misbegotten demogogues in power at the moment.

As for the colour thing, I guess my cynical streak isn't as deep as I thought it was - so we can agree to differ on that one.