Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Airport security joke

How safe are flights from Heathrow airport when women wearing the Niqab are not routinely checked to confirm their identity?

Mustaf Jama, a prime suspect in the fatal shooting of PC Sharon Beshenivsky, assumed his sister’s identity — wearing the niqab and using her passport — to evade supposedly stringent checks at Heathrow, according to police sources.

At the time, Jama was Britain’s most wanted man, while Heathrow was on a heightened state of alert after the 7/7 terrorist atrocities in London five months previously.

If Somalia is safe enough for a suspected Police murderer to flee to, is it also safe enough for a convicted child rapist to be deported to!?!


Anonymous said...

Great minds here, and I liked your comment about wearing a balaclava.
At least the Muslim women could be checked by female Muslim immigration staff, it needn't be a big deal.
What will it be next, I wonder!

Have a happy Xmas, btw.

Snafu said...

Elle, how can any airport provide a duty of care to passengers when the credentials of every individual travelling airside is not verified?

Anonymous said...

Hey sod security and passenger safety, let's just make sure that PC rules and no bomb makers are offended. ;o)