Sunday, May 22, 2005


Rather than thinking the unthinkable, Government quangos now appear to be thinking the stupid. In a blatant piece of "'graduatism'", Adair Turner, head of the government's Pension Commission, has suggested that professionals with University degrees should have to work until they are 70 before they are allowed to retire rather than 65 for non-professionals. "The difference would reflect the fact that professionals live five years longer than lower social groups after retirement." As life expectancy for women is 81 compared to just 76 for men, maybe he should go further and suggest professional women retire at 75 instead of 70 so life is "fairer" for professional men. Whilst such a measure would be "sexist", being "graduatist" is ok!!

Unlike voluntary lifestyle choices affecting the life expectancy of different socio-economic groups, your sex cannot be altered to improve your life expectancy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emigration to the US is looking like a better idea evey day.