Saturday, May 07, 2005

Ministry of Truth

As Tony Blair announces his new cabinet, I notice there have been some unusual name changes, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister becomes Community and Local Government whilst the Department of Trade and Industry has been abolished, becoming the Department of Productivity, Energy and Industry (DPEI)!! Will these civil servants run around all day looking busy but doing nothing? Should it really have been called the Department of Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness?

As there were serious charges made against Tony Blair's handling of the intelligence around the Iraq war, it would seem an appropriate time to formally create a Ministry of Truth. It could sort the wheat from the chaff of Intelligence and spin, John Prescott, looking for a new role, would be ideal as the first Minister of Truth!!


Anonymous said...

I wonder how much the new headed notepaper will cost...

Anonymous said...

Probably a fraction of the cost of the diversity awareness training...