Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Bob Geldof, Prime Minister

Is Bob Geldof the real Prime Minister? He berated Gordon Brown for earning £500,000 in VAT on Live 8 and got a refund. He has now attacked eBay and succeeded in stopping any further auctions of Live 8 tickets even though it is not illegal to resell charity concert tickets. Who elected Bob Geldof? Who gave him so much power?


Anonymous said...

I'd like to know how much of his own money Bob will be contributing to the cause.

JG said...

Typical idiocy, no wonder you wouldn't put your name to it. When have you last put your hand in your pocket to help another person or given your time to them. Geldof wasn't born into wealth or fame, he's a self-made man and he's used a great deal of his time and energy over the years in an uphill struggle to get rich countries like mine and yours to examine their consciences. What he was achieved is breathtaking.