Friday, January 19, 2007

Brown's Big Brother Balls!

"The huge number of complaints [now about 30,000] shows that British people do not accept racism" - Gordon Brown on the Big Brother controversy.

192,850 - Number of votes cast for the BNP in the 2005 General Election!


Anonymous said...

Well spotted.

Anonymous said...

You are failing to put these numbers into context. The number of complaints about the racism on Big Brother is a hugh proportion of the number of people who actually bother to complain about what they see on TV. It doesn't mean that only 30,000 people found it unacceptable.

Serf said...

You are failing to put these numbers into context. The number of votes for the BNP is a small proportion of the number of people who don't actually bother to vote or for whom race is a secondary issue. It doesn't mean that only 200,000 people are racist.

Snafu said...

Anonymous, 30,000 complaints out of 3.6m viewers is a small percentage of the total viewing audience, it's not even 0.01%! Have the complaints been orchestrated?

How do people register their view that Jade's comments were not in the least bit racist when compared to comments made on Channel 4's "Undercover Mosque"?

I find the current media witch-hunt most disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Could I be forgiven for thinking that the 30,000 are mostly ethnics and liberals playing the race card?

Snafu said...

AgainsTThewall, when the Countryside Alliance won a recent BBC poll to remove the hunting bill, there was an outcry that the poll had been fixed!

I suspect any accusations that liberals had organised themselves to vote out Jade Goody and complain would be equally wide of the mark.

Would my complaint that the comments were not racist be counted as a complaint or offset another complaint!?!