Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Must be Labour!

Why does the BBC forget to mention the political allegiance of ex-council chief Colin Inglis who is accused of abusing a 13 year old boy?

They didn't for "former Liberal Democrat leader of Derby City Council", Maurice Burgess, who faced charges of indecent assault.

They didn't for "former Conservative councillor" and leader of Bedfordshire council leader, Albert Whinnett, jailed for indecently assaulting two girls!

They didn't for Conservative mayor Chris Morgan after being "arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children".

They didn't for Conservative leader of Dartford Borough Council, Kenneth Leadbeater, "who admitted making indecent images of children on his home computer".


Anonymous said...

If you controlled the 'Bliar Broadcasting Corporation' I doubt you would blair, sorry, blare bad news about. This bias is clearly demonstrated daily on Radio 4. I cannot comment on BBC TV News as I never watch it. Regards.

Alfie said...

Good question......
Why, indeed ................................................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Maybe it's because Mark Thompson is too busy shoving his nose up Tony Blair's backside to notice all the massaging going on....