Sunday, November 09, 2008

Seen it all now!

Tories warn over Brown tax cuts

What does George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, think about the proposals!?! Is he stuck on board a yacht!?!

The BBC quotes Shadow Defence (!) Secretary Liam Fox whilst Sky news was interviewing Shadow Foreign (!) Secretary William Hague!


Anonymous said...

I keep reading how brilliant Osbourne is but everytime I see him he is most unimpressive. We seem to see much more of Vince Cable, one of the Lib Dem's few stars.

Snafu said...

Xoggoth, Vince Cable has blossomed over the last couple of months!

I used to wonder why anyone would pay more than £60k for his services, I think he's now worth £65k!

Whatever happened to Frank Field!?! Has he been banned by Labour spin doctors from airing his views!?!

PS It's not difficult being a Lib Dem star when you are only competing with Lembit Opik and Nick Clegg and Sarah wotshername...