Thursday, January 03, 2008

Global Fellowship Programme

Will the new £1.4m "Global Fellowship" programme merely become a taxpayer subsidised recrutiment scheme for Shell, HSBC and Tesco amongst others?

"School and college leavers in England are to get the chance to compete for six-week educational trips abroad. "

"It has the support of some businesses, including Shell, HSBC and Tesco, which will show successful students their operations in the chosen countries."

PS Each trip will cost £14,000!!


Anonymous said...

Hi I'm one of the aforementioned teenagers who you believe will be responsible for what you describe as "the burning of £14,000 of tax payers' money". I believe I should take this opportunity to state that I believe you might have slightly misunderstood both the aims and mechanics of the programme in question.

Snafu said...

How have I misunderstod the aims and the mechanics of the programme!?!

PS I don't believe you are responsible for wasting taxpayers money, it's the civil servants who thought it was a good idea. I disregard the comments of the charity that is funded by the policy.

PPS When will you be visiting Russian gulags or the Katyn forest to learn about communism? How will you ever learn about Tudor Britain!?!

Dom Gazzaloni said...

I totally disagree it’s not the 'burning of £14,000 of tax payers'. These trips are going to intelligent forward thinking students of Great Britain. How is the UK going to compete with the rising tigers of China, India and Brazil if we don't make the youth of Britain more aware of what they are facing. Furthermore as these emerging nations become more established it is crucial that we learn more about their culture both in the business and the social context as it is no doubt there will be more corporation between Britain and these countries in the future.

Hopefully this scheme will give these students a sense of the wider global economy and if they really are the future leading entrepreneurs, politicians, economists etc. of Britain it will no doubt benefit them and us what they learn from this insight. We might not see the benefits of this scheme in the next few years but in the long run I am sure we will if these students fulfil their potential. They are more likely to give back from what they have been given by the state when they are established leaders in Britain. We need these schemes to inspire the youth of Britain to take initiative and realise that students in these fast developing nations are working just as hard if not harder to make a difference in this world and its good to see Britain is not shying away from the competition from these tiger nations but embracing them in this scheme, who knows it could help these students realise opportunities in these growing markets which Britain could benefit from.