Friday, January 20, 2006

Higher class cannabis?

If "Everyone needs to understand that cannabis is harmful and it is illegal", why should Cannabis remain a class C drug?

If more research is required to determing it's impact on mental health, the prudent response would be to raise it's classification until the research results are known.


chris said...

The thing is these really aren't new findings. That Canabis can have effects on mental health have been known for some time before the reclassification, especially if you have particular genetic traits (10% of the population if I remember correctly). So the argument hasn't changed, just more of it has come to a broader attention.

MuppetLord said...

That would be sensible though.

Larry Teabag said...

'cos it's a hell of a lot less harmful than heroin/crack-cocaine.

That alcohol can have effects on mental health has also been known for some time, but I don't here many people calling for it to be banned...

Africannabis said...

Rhetoric... we know what effect cannabis has... just like we know what effect alcohol has... and how many people it kills directly and indirectly...

But you can't build a home from alcohol