Thursday, February 08, 2007

Voting with your stethoscope!

If 40% of doctors have private healthcare cover compared to just 12% of the general population, what do they know about the NHS that we don't!?!

"If they did not believe so strongly in the NHS they would not work for it." - Dr Hamish Meldrum, chairman of the GP's committee.

No doubt annual pay of £100,000 does not unduly influence their beliefs either!

1 comment:

Bag said...

They know nothing more than we do. It's just that they see it every day, can afford to go private and shouldn't really be held liable for what the government has rolled out despite their comments.

From his remark I take it Dr Meldrum must be happy about the NHS. Maybe he thinks that 2007 will be even better than 2006.

Based on the reasoning that people not happy with the NHS should leave does that mean that someone who wants to spend their lives helping others should give that up because someone else screws it up. OK the £100L helps but let's face it they work to get the skills necessary to charge that.