Friday, February 01, 2008

Educational food for thought?

Are "white working class boys" failing at school because there are too many grammar schools or too few!?!

No one would suggest that the quality of food at McDonalds could be improved by shutting down the 164 most exclusive restaurants across England & Wales!


Anonymous said...

A solution to the failure of white working class boys failure - is to open more parliaments. these are excellent employers of the unskilled and dubious.
Most of parliamentary output can be safely ignored so it would do no harm and parliaments are cheaper than prisons in some way.

Snafu said...

Cramerj, it would also solve the pensions crisis!

Mark Wadsworth said...

If you put it that way, the answer must be too few. Altho' I wouldn't go putting ideas into their heads - I can see them shutting down the best restaurants in order to prevent a 'two tier' system in catering.

Alfie said...

Snafu - have you thought of starting your own political party?

Your logic is, as usual, Mr Spockian in a pointy-eared sort of way.

This grammar school boy thanks God he got through an education system before it got completely bolloxed up by ex-public school Labour and Tory politicians....

My kids have reaped the 'benefit' of that crap system - safe in the knowledge that those self centred politicians' kids will be suffering the same bland educational beige that my kids have had to endure.....

Oh no, silly me. Their kids are all stuffed into either public or fee paying establishments using tried and tested educational methods.....

Snafu said...

Alfie, thanks for your vote of confidence but there is little support for logical politicians!