Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Doctors to go

If only the unemployed and those on incapacity benefits would also threaten to leave the UK...


Terranix said...

Utterly ludicrous, as ever. We are told we have a shortage of hospital staff, and yet at the same time we seem to have more doctors than we have posts for.

This would, perhaps, not be an issue if local governments stopped closing down two hospitals for every one "modern" facility they open.

Snafu said...

Terranix, what do you suggest though!?! The Department of Health should not guarantee a job for every doctor or you would end up in the position that many Doctors are sitting around twiddling their thumbs...

They face the terrible dilemma of predicting Doctor vacancies seven years from now given the long training period.

How do Airlines manage the training requirements for their pilots?