Monday, April 03, 2006

A tale of two surveys

No BBC caveat is required when a survey of 1,004 people shows 74% of Londoners in favour of the Olympic Games being held here in 2012.

A BBC caveat is required when a survey of 2,000 people shows that 76% back an annual limit on immigration and 66% feel the government ignores the public's feelings on the issue.

If the survey is an accurate indicator of public opinion, then a large majority of people believe Britain is losing its own culture - BBC Home Affairs Correspondent Danny Shaw.


Alfie said...

Well spotted on the 'caveat thing', Snafu.
Sometimes, the manipulation is so damn subtle........ oh, and never ending....

Snafu said...

Thanks Alfie. Would it be pedantic to harangue the BBC over the differences between British and English culture!?!

Tommy said...

Wonder what the outcome would be on hanging?