Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Independent Asylum Commission

Any bets on the conclusions of the 'Independent Asylum Commission' trawling the UK for "first-hand accounts of dawn raids on asylum seekers" when the "panel of experts includ[es] peers, a former judge and a bishop"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Snafu,

I just picked up your blog through Google News and saw your post. The Commission is independent, and its conclusions will depend on the information it receives. If you see our website (www.independentasylumcommission.org.uk) you will see that in addition to encouraging refugees and asylum seekers to give evidence, we are also seeking the views of a wide range of people in communities up and down the country - whether they think the current system is too generous or too harsh.

If you think the latter, then there is a specific template on the website which allows you to report any abuses of the system that you may know about.

I would encourage you to engage with our work - because our aim is to make recommendations for reform that will command the confidence of the British people.

Best wishes,


Jonathan Cox
IAC Co-ordinator