Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Policies up in smoke?

What's the point of banning tobacco displays if it only reduces the prevalence of smoking amongst young people by just 20,000 smokers or 10%, "the key evidence"!?!

It's difficult to imagine any other Government policy being introduced with such poor outcomes apart from the banning of vending machines that are only used by 20% of 11-15 year old smokers anyway!

Are the youth of today so stupid that they could not find an alternative source of cigarettes!?!

PS If the Government is so concerned about smokers' health, why not just ban cigarettes!?!


Mark Wadsworth said...

Don't give the f***ers ideas.

Word veri: nandrift

Anonymous said...

Why not just ban cigarettes?

I think we know the answer to that!

(Clue - how much does a pack cost now, and why is it so much more than you'd pay in any European country?)