Monday, December 01, 2008

Breadline poor

How can a third of Scotland's population still be "breadline poor" after eleven years of New Labour and record budget deficits!?!

Are such people now beyond help or simply unable (or unwilling) to help themselves?


Letters From A Tory said...

Labour do not understand that giving people tax credits does not change their life circumstances or their employment prospects.

I'm NOT Aussie Pete! said...

When you feed pigeons, you simply produce more pigeons.

Anonymous said...

Breadline poor?

I don't think so.

Buckie, Fags, Curry, and Plasma TV poor is more like it.

Though one must out, in defence of the neds, that they are responding entirely rationally to the incentives the State presents them with: shitty dead-end job on the minimum wage or the same money (more if you can fake a bad back) to stay home and watch TV? Hmm, it's a hard decision isn't it?