Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Top heavy top shelf!

Claire Curtis-Thomas MP wants magazines like 'Zoo' and 'Nuts' to be restricted to the top shelf as they are "repulsive" and "degrading to women".

Does she also want magazines such as New Woman - currently featuring a guide on kinky sex, "Spanking paddles at the ready, girls" - moved to the top shelf?

Would any magazines be left on the bottom shelves!?!


Edwin Greenwood said...

Surely a magazine about spanking should be on the bottom shelf.

Sorry, I'll get me coat.

Gareth said...

I used to live in Germany and I never failed to be amused by the way that they arranged their magazines.

They do it aphabetically. This puts the Beano next to Big Uns on the top shelf and Whizzer and Chips next to Water Sports Weekly on the bottom shelf.

Snafu said...

Edwin, lol.

Toque, the Germans they are always so efficient! It doesn't sound like "Water sports weekly" is a diving magazine, I could be disappointed...

With so many of the quality magazines up top, would you be allowed to say that "It's a good stack, up top"!?!

DJ said...

It's the horny dwarves I feel sorry for. They need a disability discrimination suit.

Alfie said...

Look if they ban these to the top shelves then my teenaged sons will stop buying them...... that means I'll have to buy my own....