Monday, April 27, 2009

Harriet Harperson?

Could Harriet Harman ever have been the Equalities Minister if she was male!?!

"[Her draft Bill ] will also allow employers to give preference to female or non-white job applicants over equally-qualified white men."

What about a preference for state educated applicants over privately educated people such as Harriet!?!


Tom Paine said...

Please don't say that, not even as a joke. They are quite likely to take up such suggestions. We gave up a lot to educate our daughters privately. My wife and I went to bog standard comps. My wife taught in several. We would not have had children if we could have only afforded to send them there. My daughters had no choice in the matter. Why should they be punished?

mewmewmew said...

Could Harriet Harman ever have been the Equalities Minister if she was male!?!

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