Thursday, June 09, 2005

Too open prison?

It took nearly a week for prison staff to notice that an inmate had absconded from Sudbury Prison in Derbyshire!! I assume most staff were too busy surfing the internet to look up and notice.

How can any prison set themselves a target of having "only" seven escapes a month!?! Is their target to notice escapees within the first 24hrs?


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. Standards are SO low in the public sector that I'm not surprised they set themselves such mediocre and shocking "targets." Time to privatise the prisons.

Mike D said...

We've actually already got some privatised prisons, and they all have service contracts which specify standards for things like escapes. I have some knowledge of one, and it, zero escapes. If there are, then the operator incurs a significant financial penalty.

Anonymous said...


Zero escapes sounds about right! Interesting that the public sector finds that rather too demanding!!!