Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A bad day for bright pupils

It is difficult to imagine a more destructive educational policy than selecting pupils for 'good' schools by lottery rather than by catchment area or entrance examination.

Left-wing educationalists gave Britain the 'benefits' of their comprehensive education experiment thirty years ago! Why are they still allowed to experiment!?!

Such a policy can only result in falling school standards and declining social mobility as those who can afford to go private escape the state system.

Pupils keen to study within the state system will no longer have the sanctuary of good schools offering good standards away from disruptive elements who place no value on a good education.


Anonymous said...

Teachers I know reckon that this idiot idea of teaching all standards together is damaging to all abilities. Either the class is held back and the brighter kids get bored or the duller kids get ignored.

I reckon that moves to prevent parents sending childen to the school of their choice will probably increase social divisions because once that avenue is closed the better off will avoid some areas altogether. We will end up with a sort of Eloi/Morlock=country/city division.

Bag said...

I think the plan seem to be to give everyone in government with an opinion a go at running our critical central services.

After all having the state run everything is the right way to go it'sjust in the pesky details and we will keep going without looking at the basic premise and tinker and tinker and ....

No one in power is looking at doing anything that removed the decision making from them because they won't even consider it.

Maybe they could keep the decision making as long as they did not create the policies themselves but they always think they know best.