Thursday, May 28, 2009

Taxing questions for Labour!

Why do Labour Cabinet members seek to minimise their tax bills by paying for professional advice rather than seizing the opportunity to "redistribute" more of their income than is strictly necessary!?!


Mark Wadsworth said...

Because they want to pay the 'right' amount of tax, and they want others to pay the 'right' amount of tax.

The problem is that they are the ones who set the rules on what the 'right' amount of tax is.

WV: ringnest

PS, don't 'blog yourself to death or anything, two in one month, your fingertips must be red raw.

Novlangue said...

Yeh, they're more interested in imposing their redistribution-fanaticism on hoi polloi.

Nice blog title. I'm the same!

Saturday 30/5