Sunday, December 27, 2009

Muslim plane bomb suspect

Why is the BBC unable to say that the Nigerian Christmas day plane bomb suspect is Muslim?

He was not trying to murder 300 innocent people because he was Nigerian or male!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Payments Council

What does the Payments Council do the rest of the time!?!

Perhaps the biggest decision it has ever made and it procrastinates.... "Cheques will be phased out by October 2018, but only if adequate alternatives are developed"

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ben Fogle & Burglars

Should Ben Fogle be grateful he didn't manage to catch four burglars he disturbed at his home today!?!

"Homeowner Munir Hussain jailed for 30 months for fighting off burglars"

Brown v Berlusconi

Following the unprovoked attack on the popular Silvio Berlusconi, Gordon Brown prepares to meet members of the public in London....

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Budgets, Boilers and Bingo!

Why didn't the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, copy Ireland's tough budget proposals to get our country's finances back in order as quickly as possible!?!

I'm almost tempted to vote Labour at the next General Election to watch him and Gordon squirm as most of their tax raising proposals only become effective in 2011!

PS How much is the overseas aid budget being cut by?
PPS How much is the EU budget being cut by?
PPPS When will Scottish & Welsh University students start paying the as much as their English cousins!?!
PPPPS When will tax credits be scrapped?